When we go on long drives, we bring a lot of things along for the kids to do – coloring, books, stuffed animals, paper and pencils. We also like listening to podcasts to pass the time. One of our favorites is Bird Note, a local production on one of our NPR stations. Each 2-minute show is full of information about a specific bird, a behavior, a song or call, a scientist, or anything else related to birds. Many shows focus on local species, but there are many that are more wide-ranging.

We like the interesting facts we learn. I like the mood of the show – the announcers have relaxing, calm, yet engaging voices. We listen to the show all the time. Because they are short, we can have them on when we are running errands and not have to stop in the middle. I use them especially when there is bickering or whining coming from the back seat, and the kids calm right down and get into a better mood. You can download the show directly from the website, or you can subscribe to it on iTunes. Let me know in the comments if you subscribe, and how you like the show!
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