There’s a blogging mama I follow who talks about being so busy living the adventure that it’s hard to have time to write about the adventure. (Her name is Renee Tougas of FIMBY and she is fabulous.) That’s how I’ve felt the past week as we’ve done some fun things and have barely had time to unpack before the next adventure comes along.
Last weekend we went camping up Hwy 20 and made a run over to Republic to dig fossils. It was a great trip! I’ll get a proper report up soon, but for now here are a few photos to tide you over. I also plan to write about my adventures as I learn to dehydrate my food, and do a gear review or two along the way.

Yesterday we went to a church picnic, and then went to the big fireworks display in downtown Seattle. We went to South Lake Union, where there was also the Wooden Boat Festival going on. It was so much fun, and I think it was pretty successful for getting the kids out to their first large fireworks display and all that entails. The lowest point was when Annika fell into the pool where they floated their little boats, and got completely soaked. It was late enough that we couldn’t go home and come back. Thankfully I had brought a spare pair of shorts and undies, and I let her use my sweater as a shirt. I was a bit chilly; I should know enough by now to remember that this child needs a full spare change of clothing when we are out for a whole day like that.

Recently the State Parks blog asked me to let them use my Moran State Park report on their site. An edited version appears here.
And now I’m tired. I think I need a day or two off! Summer is so fleeting here in Puget Sound, it feels like we have to cram so much in to a few short weeks. I hope the rest of you are enjoying your summer so far, too!
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